Our Story

WHO ARE WE? In a nutshell, we are a group of diverse individuals who wake up everyday and try to figure out how to further Idenfo's main goal and combat a long-standing dilemma in the world - financial crime and fraud.

Meet the Founders

Idenfo was founded in 2019 by three individuals,
experienced at fighting money laundering:

Naseer Hasan has embedded compliance/ risk framework cultures in global international banks such as Standard Chartered and Barclays

Raza Abidi has managed risk and control strategy and its execution with large international banks such as Citibank

Antony Bellingall has worked with major system vendors such as NICE Actimize and FICO deploying AML and KYC systems globally at leading banks and financial institutions

What is Idenfo Fighting?

The IMF estimates money laundering accounts for 2-5% of the
world’s GDP
. That's over a trillion dollars a year, equivalent to the
GDP of a country like Spain.

The IMF estimates money laundering accounts for 2-5% of the world’s GDP. That's over a trillion dollars a year, equivalent to the GDP of a country like Spain.

Money laundering undermines our society and our democratic
governance; it hurts families and leads to misery for millions. We
need to fight it.
Money laundering uses monies that could help to
make the world a better place. Not to mention, we all end up
paying our taxes AND the taxes of criminals as they find ways to
dodge it.

Money laundering undermines our society and our democratic governance; it hurts families and leads to misery for millions. We need to fight it. Money laundering uses monies that could help to make the world a better place. Not to mention, we all end up paying our taxes AND the taxes of criminals as they find ways to dodge it.

What do we aim to do?

Too often the fight against money laundering is handled by
stand-alone processes e.g. performing a risk assessment on just
one aspect of compliance; creating policies and procedures that
no-one understands or complies with; or, AML KYC solutions
which are not integrated and unable to assess risks across your

Idenfo aims to provide leading solutions to bridge these issues, to
bring coherence to fighting financial crime and in a seamless
joined up way. This is the only way to beat the criminals.

Too often the fight against money laundering is handled by stand-alone processes e.g. performing a risk assessment on just one aspect of compliance; creating policies and procedures that no-one understands or complies with; or, AML KYC solutions which are not integrated and unable to assess risks across your business.

Idenfo aims to provide leading solutions to bridge these issues, to bring coherence to fighting financial crime and in a seamless joined up way. This is the only way to beat the criminals.

What do we actually do?

Idenfo is quite unique. All its senior officers know AML KYC
needs and challenges from both the banking and vendor perspective.
They know what works and what does not work. So, Idenfo has
developed a suite of practical and efficient AML and KYC solutions
and services which reinforce each other.

Idenfo is quite unique. All its senior officers know AML KYC needs and challenges from both the banking and vendor perspective. They know what works and what does not work. So, Idenfo has developed a suite of practical and efficient AML and KYC solutions and services which reinforce each other.

Our Journey so Far

EARLY 2019

MID 2019

EARLY 2020

MID 2020

EARLY 2021

MID 2021

2022- 2025

EARLY 2019

MID 2019

EARLY 2020

MID 2020

EARLY 2021

MID 2021

Early 2022