Our Ethos

At Idenfo, we want to be ‘culturally remarkable’. We want to stand out from the crowd of FinTech startups and be known for the value we add not just to our businesses, but to our communities and the lives of the people we associate with.

We are driven by a desire to shape a better, safer world through technology.

Our Vision is to be

A Force for Good

We are driven by a desire to produce a net positive change in our societies. We understand that the work
we do helps strengthen communities and make them safer and more stable, and this devotion to
goodness is what makes our work meaningful. This is our societal purpose.
We are driven by a desire to produce a net positive change in our societies. We understand that the work we do helps strengthen communities and make them safer and more stable, and this devotion to goodness is what makes our work meaningful. This is our societal purpose.

Technological Innovation

As a tech company, our purpose is to change the way digital financial technologies function in order to make them more secure. We aim to cause disruption and revolutionise the tech sphere with radical and original responses to improve digital security.

Prepare Future Leaders

Idenfo is a future-oriented organisation. We are empowering the future generation of leaders to shape the world they want to live in by minimising organisational hierarchy, avoiding stagnant structures, and offering them the tools and support they need to materialise their potential.


Empathy encapsulates honesty, integrity and trustworthiness. This includes an awareness of and respect for local cultures, contexts, laws and behaviours. A lack of empathy towards all that you come accross is often what stands inbetween a team and a dream team.


We recognise that inclusivity requires sensitivity, respect and understanding. In our own way, we all add something to our team by bringing our particularities to work together and build stronger and deeper relationships.


We are committed to embracing the learning cycle. The world will change faster than we can anticipate, therefore we have the humility to unlearn and relearn. We are prepared to continuously experiment and be at the forefront of our industry.


We define empowerment as the ability to practice what we truly believe. True empowerment comes from the right to make decisions, and to inspire others to dream your dream with you. We constantly push our boundaries, take initiative and experiment.


We have a responsibility to leave everything we come into contact with – each other, our environment, our product, our world – in a better shape than we found it.

Culture over Strategy

Our culture should determine our strategy, and
we should be willing to abandon a strategy
that does not align with our culture.

Value over Profit

Idenfo is committed to always aligning ourselves with the changing ideals of the world we live in, to ensure we always move in tandem with them.

Failure over Stagnation

Failure is not death, stagnation is! We cannot
allow the fear of failure to keep us from

Talent over Capital

Capital is replaceable, talent is not! We invest in people and in building relationships because we know that our true value comes from our team.