Idenfo provides out of the box
modular configurable solution


Easy to Integrate

Cutting edge technology

Comprehensive data model

Regulatory updates based on horizon scanning

End to End

Facial Recognition + Liveness Check

Financial Crime Checks and Risk Rating Engine

Name Screening

Digital Onboarding

Digital KYC Remediaiton

Identity Verification

Digital Onboarding
Online digital channels
With relationship managers in branches
ID Verification
  • OCR data extraction
  • OCR machine learning
  • Live detection tracking
  • Facial Recognition
Sanctions & Namescreening
  • List Integration
  • Fuzzy and Secondary matching
  • PEP Screening
  • Sanction Screening
Prohibition Engine
Idenfo prohibition engine
Risk Rating Engine
Proprietary Idenfo risk rating engine
Idenfo Exception Handling
Highest risk results reviewed by banks’ compliance team
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How Idenfo keeps you safe as you on-board new clients

How Idenfo keeps you safe by enabling world class portfolio management

Existing Clients
All existing clients of the bank
Sanctions & Namescreening
  • Incremental Monthly Scans
  • Configurable List Management
Risk Rating Engine
  • Dynamic risk rating updates
  • Document expiry checks
  • Scheduling and Management based on Risk Rating
Idenfo Periodic Review Module
  • Scheduling and Management based on Risk Rating
Idenfo Trigger Review Module
Alerts based on customer behaviours and data changes
Idenfo Exception Handling
Highest risk results reviewed by banks’ compliance team
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Benefits of an Integrated Platform

Web Development

Reduce siloed working in the bank as a single system brings together ID&V, name screening, CDD operations and transaction monitoring teams


Improves effectiveness, applying up to date local and global regulations as well as the auditability and replicability from working with a securely stored structured database

Workflow Management

Improves exception controls when money laundering is detected as well as enabling straight through processing where appropriate

Knowledge Transfer

Comprehensive training and consultancy embeds knowledge throughout the bank

Cost Efficiency

Reduces operational, technology and compliance costs

Business Development

Increases marketing and management opportunity with comprehensive MI reports and charts